Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Stillwater, MN Psychiatrist Dr. Ivan Sletten Publications

Stillwater, MN Psychiatrist Dr. Ivan Sletten has authored more than 100 publications during his illustrious career.  Here is a shortened list of some of those publications:

  1. Tuchman, H., Sletten, I.W., and Crumptom, C.W.: A clinical study of effects of intravenous reserpine (Serpasil) in hypertensive patients, AMER. HEART J., 48: 449-54, 1954
  2. Koutsky, C.D. and Sletten, I.W.:  Chlordiazepoxide in alcohol withdrawal – intramuscular effects.  MINNESOTA MED.,  46: 354-7, 1963
  3. Sletten, I.W., Fusaro, R.M., and Runge, W. J. :  A new topical spray agent to protect patients in chlorpromazine from sunlight, AMER.J. PSYCHIAT., 119: 991-2, 1963
  4. Sletten, I.W., Nilsen, J.A., Young, R.C> and Anderson, J.T.: Blood lipids and behavior in mental hospital patients, PSYCHOSOM. MED  26: 261-6, 1964
  5. Sletten, I.W. and Gershon, S.:  the premenstrual syndrome:  A discussion of it’s  pathophysiology and treatment with lithium ion, COMP. PSYCHIAT 7:197-206, 1966
  6. Sletten, I.W., Pichardo, J. and Gershon, S. :  The effect of chlorpromazine on lithium excretion in psychiatric subjects, CURR. THER. RES., 8:441-6, 1966
  7. Sletten, I. W., Mou, B., Cazenave, M. and Gershon, S.:  The effects of caloric restriction on behavior and body weight in psychiatric subjects on chlorpromazine, DIS. NERV. SYST.,  28:519-22, 1967
  8. Sletten, I.W. Viamontes, G., Hughes, D.D. and Korol, B.:  Total fasting psychiatric subjects: Psychological, and physiological, and biochemical changes, CANAD. PSYCHIAT. ASSOC. J. , 12:553-8, 1967
  9. Ulett, G.A. and Sletten, I.W. : A statewide electronic data processing system, HOSP. & COMMUNITY PSYCHIAT., 20(5) : 74-77, 1969
  10. Sletten, I.W., Ulett. G.A., Altman, H. and Sundland, D.: The Missouri Standard System of psychiatry (SSOP): Computer generated diagnosis, ARCH. GEN. Psychiat., 23:73-9, 1970
  11. Sletten, I.W. Altman, H., and Ulett, G.A.:  Routine diagnosis by computer, AMER. J. PSYCHIAT., 127(9):1147-52, 1971
  12. Parwatikar, S., Brown, M., Stern, J., Ulett, G., & Sletten, I.W. :  Acupuncture, hypnosis and experimental pain:  Study with volunteers.  International Journal of Acupuncture and Electronic Therapeutics Research, 1977
  13. Stern, J.A., Brown, M., Ulett, G.A., & Sletten, I.W.:  A comparison of hypnosis, acupuncture, morphine, valium aspirin and placebo in the management of experimentally induced pain.  The New York Academy of Sciences, 1977, 296, 175-193

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Sletten. I would like to get a copy of your paper "Koutsky, C.D. and Sletten, I.W.: Chlordiazepoxide in alcohol withdrawal – intramuscular effects. MINNESOTA MED., 46: 354-7, 1963." It must have been the first report on the use of a benzodiazepine for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal.
