Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Curriculum Vitae - Ivan W. Sletten, M.D.

Curriculum Vitae
Ivan W. Sletten, M.D.
August 12, 2011

14791 60th St N, Suite 8
Stillwater, MN 55082
651-351-9356 (c)
651-430-1746 (office)
651-351-1405 (fax)

·         Minnesota 1955 to present
·         Wisconsin 1994 to present

·         Practicing at private practice Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
o    Associated with NuView Psychological Servcies 2007-2010
·         6-8 hours per week River Falls Medical Clinic psychiatric consultant as an integral part of their clinic staff
·         16 hours per week as contract staff psychiatrist with Minnesota HMOs (Health Partners 1994-1995 & Allina 1996-1997)
·         8-12 hours per week Minneapolis Veterans Administration doing compensation and pension evaluations as well as on-call duties as a staff psychiatrist
·         6-8 hours per week River Falls Medical Clinic psychiatric consultant as an integral part of their clinic staff
·         4-6 hours per week as contract psychiatric consultant to St. Croix Psychological clinic, River Falls, Wisconsin
·         4-6 hours per month psychiatric consultations as an employee of Human Services, Inc., Washington County, with responsibility to cover psychiatric consultations in the Washing County jail (1996-1997)
·         Starting private practice 1997
1994 – 1997     
·         Following my December 1993 surgery for cancer, I decided to sell my practice and return to Minnesota and Wisconsin to be close to family and long time friends where I grew up
·         A large successful private practice of psychiatry in St. Louis, Missouri
·         Selected peers to be a member of the Honored Medical Staff at Christian Hospital Northeast/Northwest, one of the biggest hospital programs in the St. Louis metropolitan area
·         Clinical Professor of Psyhiatry, Department of Psychiatry, St. Louis University Medical School, St. Louis, Missouri (1977-1992)
·         Director of Missouri Institute of Psychiatry
·         Professor University of Missouri Medical School
·         Continuous full time academic appointment at Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, University of Missouri Medical School – research associate to full professor
·         Medical Director, Hasting State Hospital, Hastings, Minnesota (800 beds)
·         Full time instructor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical School
·         Captain, Medical Corps, U.S. Army, Chief, Mental Hygiene Consultation Service, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen Maryland

1951-1954             Pre-medical Education, University of Wisconsin (Bachelor of Science, with honors in Medical Science)
1951-1955            University of Wisconsin, Madison, Medical School
1954-1955         Minneapolis General Hospital, Rotating Internship
1955-1958         Residency in Psychiatry
                        Minneapolis General Hospital
Inpatient Adult, Child and outpatient Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota Medical School with twelve credits in psychology and statistics in the University of Minnesota Graduate School

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: March 9, 1929 Chetek, Wisconsin

1961                 American board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Certificate #7086

1968-1973         Chief, Missouri Department of Mental Health, Statewide Automated Standard System of Psychiatry
1964-1972         Director of Psychiatry Residency Training Program, Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, (12 new residents per year)

1978-1985         Psychiatric Research Consultant, Veterans Administration Hospital, St Louis, Missouri
1959-1960         Clinical Research Section, Army chemical Center, Edgewood, Maryland (LSD Research)

2010                 NAMI Award for Minnesota Board of Directors
2007                 American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology
2003                 American Psychiatric Association for Physician Social Responsibility
1975                 Member, Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans
1975                 Member, International Who’s Who in Community Service
1975                 Member, Bicentennial Edition of Outstanding Americans
1974                 Member, Who’s Who in Missouri
1974                 Who’s Who in Midwest
1971                 Member, Personalities of the West and Midwest
1958-1960         Citation from Commanding General, Aberdeen Proving Ground, for services as Chief of Mental Hygiene Consultation Service
1951                 Sigma Sigma, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Freshman Honor Society
1948                 Phi Eta Sigma, University of Wisconsin, Freshman Honor Society

·         Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
·         Minnesota Psychiatric Association
·         Life Member, American Medical Informatics Association (Former Charter Member of the Society of Computer Medicine)
·         American Society Clinical Psychopharmacology

·         Former Member, American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Automation
·         President, Eastern Missouri Psychiatric Society (District Branch of the APA)
·         Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1972
·         President, Missouri Psychiatric Association, 1974-1975
·         Secretary Treasurer, Missouri Academy of Psychiatry, 1973-1974 and 1975-1976
·         Member, American Psychiatry Association Task Force on the Problem Oriented Medical Record, 1974
·         In collaboration with Dr. Robert Spitzer (and the American Psychiatric Association DSM II Task Force), organized an international conference on classification in psychiatry, at Missouri Institute of Psychiatry in St. Louis, June 976; participants from Europe, Canada, and all part of the USA.  Classification was discussed with a focus on DSM III.

Energy level and general health are good at 82 years of age. No evidence of carcinoma.

            I have never had a malpractice suit.

During my academic career, I published 106 articles in referred journals. These publications primarily concern psychopharmacology and clinical computer applications regarding automated diagnosis and prediction of treatment response and methods to collect clinical information.

To practice as health allows.